Counselling Wimbledon
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Counselling Wimbledon
Reading Group
Counselling Wimbledon Reading Group is a informal discussion group for counsellors, psychotherapists, students and academics of psychology, psychotherapy and counselling.
Meeting once a month, the group focuses on books, papers, articles, reasearch and any related subject the group collectively agrees to review.
The topic is usually proposed and agreed upon for the month, and members are responsible for the cost of the material, book etc. (Although sometimes there are enough copies already available to share or available online)
The group is fairly informal, discussions often start on the subject matter and engender lively discussion, debate and disagreement/agreement depending upon the interpretation of the reader.
For example, reading Sigmund Freud, his theory of the Oedipal complex brought differing interpretations, Freuds use of metaphor seemed to allow the reader a greater latitude in finding meaning from the original Greek tragedy. There were multiple interpretations of what he meant, said and didn't say.
However, the group agreed there was something of value to be gained by the exploration and we generally felt there was something to this, although what that something is, wasn't universally known.
The group encourages members to bring different views to the forum, even if they aren't what we expected.
Cost: The cost of the room hire is shared between the group members and a contribution toward refreshments, ie Tea, Coffee and snacks or biscuits is required.
Usually this amounts to between £5 - £7 per session.
Contact us on 07708 164886
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